Brookie and Her Lamb
ちいさな女の子ブルッキーと、彼女が飼っているかわいいひつじのとの日々を、シンプルで魅力的なラインで描いていったゴフスタインさんの代表作です。 ゴフスタインさんの絵本は、読むと優しい気持ちになれます。 日本語訳の絵本も谷川俊太郎さんの訳で長く読まれていますが、英語でどう描かれているか、読み比べてみるのも楽しいですよ。 Brookie and Her Lamb Contributor(s): Goffstein, M B (Author) EAN: 9781681375458 Publisher: New York Review of Books Binding: Hardcover Pub Date: March 02, 2021 Target Age Group: 04 to 07 Physical Info: 0.76 cms H x 17.02 cms L x 13.21 cms W (0.11 kgs) 32 pages 邦題『ブルッキーのひつじ』(ジーシープレス) Annotation: Originally published: New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1967. Publisher Marketing: Now back in print, a sweet picture book about a little girl's love for her pet lamb. M. B. Goffstein was a master of the art of children's books. With the fewest possible words in the best possible order accompanied by precise line drawings, Goffstein created picture books of elemental simplicity, subtle humor, and undeniable charm. Brookie and Her Lamb is a classic tale of reciprocated love between a little girl and her lamb, as memorable as the nursery rhyme about another little lamb and a girl named Mary. Brookie wants to teach her lamb to sing, but all he sings is Baa, baa, baa; she tries to teach him to read, but all he can read is Baa, baa, baa. A bit discouraged, but undeterred, Brookie takes her lamb for a head-clearing walk. She gazes at the lamb grazing, and a smile returns to her face. Back at home, she reconsiders her lesson plan and arrives at a creative solution, a happy ending for both lamb and girl. An ideal read-aloud for young children, Brookie and Her Lamb is a tender tale of mutual love and appreciation and a lasting achievement in storytelling and illustration.
Fish for Supper
日本ではゴフスタインさんの絵本は翻訳され、長く読まれていましたが、原書は長く品切れになっていて復刊されておりませんでした。 2021年、New York Review of Booksから久しぶりに復刊された1冊です。 こちらは日本でも翻訳絵本が復刊されていないようで、なかなか目にすることがないかもしれませんね。 湖畔に住むおばあちゃんの夏の1日を、ていねい描いた物語です。 朝早く起きて、魚釣りに出て、お料理をして、ゆっくりと眠って、また朝早く起きて、の繰り返し。 何か刺激的なことが起きるわけではないのですが、とても充実している日々が続いていく雰囲気が、とても気持ちの良い絵本です。 Fish for Supper Contributor(s): Goffstein, M B (Author) EAN: 9781681375465 Publisher: New York Review of Books Binding: Hardcover Pub Date: March 02, 2021 Target Age Group: 04 to 07 Physical Info: 0.76 cms H x 16.76 cms L x 13.21 cms W (0.11 kgs) 32 pages 邦題『おばあちゃんの魚つり』(アテネ書房) Annotation: Describes Grandmother's typical day of fishing. Publisher Marketing: Selected as a Caldecott Honor Book in 1977, and now back in print for the first time in a decade, this is a charming picture book about a grandmother and her simple, idyllic daily routine. Fish for Supper is M.B. Goffstein's Caldecott Honor story of a grandmother and her regular routine in summer: waking at five o'clock in the morning to make the most of a day on the lake, "with cans of worms and minnows, some fruit for lunch, bobbers, lines, hooks, and sinkers." Delightfully and wittily, Goffstein departs from the usual fisherman's tale to give us a day in the life of this no-nonsense, patient fisherwoman who catches "sunfish, crapper, perch, and sometimes a big northern pike," who capably cleans her catch, and who can bake to boot. She relishes every bite of her well-earned supper, and the pleasure she takes in her self-sufficiency and graceful work becomes the reader's as well. Based on Goffstein's own childhood summers at her grandparents' house on Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota, Fish for Supper transforms her indelible memories into a story that is as honed and gratifying as its heroine's days.