The Happy Owls
むかしむかし。 古い石造りの廃墟に、ひと組のフクロウが住んでいました。 彼らは一年を通して、いつも幸せでした。 近くの農場に住んでいるたくさんの鳥たち。 ニワトリ、アヒル、ガチョウなど。 かれらはいつも何かを食べたり飲んだりしていました。 そしていつもケンカばかり。 ある日、クジャクがしあわせなフクロウに気がつきました。 どうしてあなたたちは、そんなに幸せなのですか? その質問を聞いて、フクロウは、 みんなを集めてください。お話ししますよ。 と、言いました。 そしてフクロウたちは、幸せの秘訣を話しはじめたのです。 フクロウたちは、どうして幸せなのでしょうが。 そして、農場の動物たちはその幸せを感じることができるのでしょうか。 スイスのグラフィック・デザイナー、セレスティーノ・ピアッティさんの力強く色鮮やかな絵本です。 The Happy Owls Contributor(s): Piatti, Celestino (Author) EAN: 9780735844834 Publisher: Northsouth Books Binding: Hardcover Pub Date: February 01, 2022 Target Age Group: 04 to 08 Physical Info: 1.02 cms H x 21.84 cms L x 28.19 cms W (0.39 kgs) 32 pages Publisher Marketing: A beautiful, classic addition to the family bookshelf--with beloved Swiss designer, Celestino Piatti's fun and retro illustrations! This classic fable about enjoying the miracle of everyday life, first illustrated by Celestino Piatti in 1963, is being reissued in celebration of Piatti's distinctive artwork. Known for his innovative use of fonts, Piatti once said, "You can draw an owl a thousand times, and never find out its secret." Why are these owls so happy? That's just what the chickens, ducks, and geese want to know. But when they send a peacock over to find out why, they're incredulous at the reply. How could anyone be happy simply to see the rain and sunshine? What could be so joyful about the flowers and butterflies? "Every imaginative child will cherish this rare and beautiful book."--New York Times Book Review "It should be two stars-- one for each eye. The use of brilliant color is beyond simple description-- it's an eye-fest."--Kirkus Reviews, Starred Review
Piatti for Children
スイスのグラフィックデザイナー、セレスティーノ・ピアッティさんの作品集です。 日本でも翻訳された『The Happy Owls』を含む7作品の絵本が一冊にまとまっています! The Happy Owls、以外は日本ではあまり紹介されていませんね。 作風がそれぞれ違っていて、見ていてもあきない作品集になっていますよ。 ピアッティさんの大胆な線と色使いが魅力的な、美しく満足感のある本です。 Piatti for Children Contributor(s): Piatti, Celestino (Author) EAN: 9780735844759 Publisher: Northsouth Books Binding: Hardcover Pub Date: February 01, 2022 Target Age Group: 04 to 07 Physical Info: 2.54 cms H x 26.92 cms L x 24.13 cms W (1.29 kgs) 216 pages Annotation: First published as Piatti f?ur Kinder in Zurich, Switzerland: NordS?ud Verlag, AG, ?2021. Publisher Marketing: Beloved Swiss designer Celestino Piatti's fun and retro children's picture books--all seven combined in one volume for the first time--make this collection a visual treat for the whole family! Celestino Piatti is one of Switzerland's most famous artists. The designer of thousands of posters and book covers made Piatti an icon. The owl was his hallmark, as was his graphic style with its distinctive black lines. Piatti also painted for children. He illustrated seven picture books at the height of his career. For the first time they are all gathered in a high-quality volume: Animal ABC, Barbara and the Dormouse, The Happy Owls, The Little Crayfish, Circus Nock (The Circus Family), The Golden Apple, and Holy Night. The Happy Owls From the first Dutch edition by Theo van Hoijtema adapted by Erwin Burckhardt. First published in 1963 by Artemis Verlag, Zurich and Munich. Animal ABC With a text by Hans Schumacher. First published in 1965 by Artemis Verlag, Zurich and Munich. Translated by Jon Reid. Circus Nock With a text by Ursula (Huber) Piatti. First published in 1967 by Artemis Verlag, Zurich and Munich. Translated by Alistair Beaton. The Holy Night With a text by Aurel von J?chen. First published in 1968 by Artemis Verlag, Zurich and Munich. Translated by Alistair Beaton. The Golden Apple With a text by Max Bolliger. First published in 1970 by Artemis Verlag, Zurich and Munich. ? 2001 Lehrmittelverlag Zurich. Translated by Alistair Beaton. The Little Crayfish With a text by Ursula Piatti. First published in 1973 by Artemis Verlag, Zurich and Munich. Translated by Alistair Beaton. Barbara and the Dormouse With a text by Ursula Piatti. First published in 1976 by Artemis Verlag, Zurich and Munich. Translated by Alistair Beaton.
【古書】Celestino Piatti's Animal ABC
※こちらの絵本は古書になります。ご了承の上ご購入をお願いいたします。画像を載せていますが、気になる点があれば遠慮なくお問い合わせください。OPPカバーをつけてお送りいたします。 タイトル:Celestino Piatti's Animal ABC ISBN:9780745842069 作:[文 / 絵]Celestino Piatti 出版社/出版国:NorthSouth Books / アメリカ 出版年:2015 サイズ:10mm H × 221mm L × 285mm W 形態:ハードカバー 本の状態 表紙角にダメージと若干の汚れ、日焼けがありますが、おおむね良好な状態です。中古商品のため若干のスレ、日焼け、使用感等がございます。