Lona: A Fairy Tale: 50th Anniversary Edition
『ロンリー・ドール』の作者、デア・ライトさんの写真絵本です。 昔々、魔法が一般的でお姫様がたくさんいた頃、ドルースという名の魔法使いがいました。 彼は指先ひとつで王子をヒキガエルに、羊飼いの少年を羊に変身させることができました。 けれども王女を魔法で魅了することはできませんでした……。 壮大な世界で繰り広げられる物語を、ドールで描いた写真絵本です。 『ロンリードール』シリーズを見ても思ったのですが、人形やぬいぐるみに命を吹き込む表現力とストーリーに、驚くばかりです。 Lona: A Fairy Tale: 50th Anniversary Edition Contributor(s): Wright, Dare (Author) EAN: 9780615777382 Publisher: Dare Wright Media Binding: Paperback Pub Date: May 04, 2013 Physical Info: 0.48 cms H x 27.99 cms L x 21.59 cms W (0.24 kgs) 92 pages Publisher Marketing: Once upon a time, when magic was common and princesses were many, there lived a powerful wizard named Druth. He could transform a prince into a toad, or a shepherd boy into a sheep by a mere flick of his finger. But no matter how hard he tried he could not enchant a princess by any magic at all. Enraged and humiliated, Druth took revenge upon three kingdoms whose princesses he was unable to enchant. He flooded their lands and imprisoned the people in a deep, unending sleep. He saved one princess alone, however. She was a baby named Lona whom Druth planned to raise himself until she was old enough to enchant. Some new spell, he was certain, would eventually succeed. But when she grew up, Lona showed surprising courage, challenging the mighty wizard's power. Through Dare Wright's rich descriptions and superb photographs, readers will breathlessly follow each moment of Lona's remarkable struggle to remove Druth's spell over the three kingdoms.
Edith And The Duckling ( Lonely Doll )
Edith And The Duckling ( Lonely Doll ) Contributor(s): Wright, Dare (Author) EAN: 9780615777405 Publisher: Dare Wright Media Binding: Paperback Pub Date: June 22, 2013 Physical Info: 0.28 cms H x 27.99 cms L x 21.59 cms W (0.15 kgs) 52 pages Publisher Marketing: It was springtime on a farm in the hills and Edith and Little Bear were thrilled to see the ducks and geese floating on the pond. They were waiting as patiently as they knew how, for a mother duck's eggs to hatch. They visited the nest every day. One day, though, when they checked the nest, they found the mother was gone. Mr. Bear knew that something must have happened to her and she would not be back. So it was up to Edith and the Bears to try to hatch the eggs. Carefully, they moved the nest to the house, kept the eggs warm, and sure enough, one little duckling was born. How Edith and the Bears care for the duckling until it grows big enough to care for itself is an enchanting experience for all.
Edith And Little Bear Lend A Hand ( Lonely Doll )
Edith And Little Bear Lend A Hand ( Lonely Doll ) Contributor(s): Wright, Dare (Author) EAN: 9780615834955 Publisher: Dare Wright Media Binding: Paperback Pub Date: August 18, 2013 Physical Info: 0.33 cms H x 27.94 cms L x 21.59 cms W (0.17 kgs) 62 pages Publisher Marketing: Mr. Bear thinks that he needs to take Edith ("The Lonely Doll") and Little Bear away from their beloved New York City to escape the dirty air and streets. But Edith and Little Bear don't want to move to the country, so they take up the cause of cleaning up the city. They march in front of City Hall and write a letter to the Mayor. The Mayor sends a letter back, urging Edith and Little Bear to do a little bit every day to clean up the city themselves, and to keep watch for any polluters. Edith and Little Bear follow the Mayor's advice, and they begin to clean up their neighborhood themselves. Mr. Bear, seeing how much Edith and Little Bear care for their home and their streets, happily decides they can remain in their home in the city.
Edith And Mr. Bear ( Lonely Doll )
Edith And Mr. Bear ( Lonely Doll ) Contributor(s): Wright, Dare (Author) EAN: 9780615827865 Publisher: Dare Wright Media Binding: Paperback Pub Date: July 02, 2013 Physical Info: 0.30 cms H x 27.99 cms L x 21.59 cms W (0.16 kgs) 60 pages Annotation: A doll, Edith, and her friends, Mr. Bear and Little Bear, live together happily. One day, Edith accidently breaks Mr. Bear's new clock and runs away in grief. She finally returns to his welcoming arms and Little Bear's joy.
The Lonely Doll Learns A Lesson ( Lonely Doll )
人形のイーディスとクマのぬいぐるみのリトルベア、ミスターベアの物語です。 夏に農場で遊んだあと、イーディスたちは仔猫を連れてかえります。 彼女は仔猫にかまってばかり。 リトルベアはちょっとやきもちをやいてしまいます。 まるで家族のようなぬいぐるみたちの絵本です。 ※デア・ライトさん(1914-2001)は、ニューヨークを拠点とするファッションモデル兼写真家でした。 1957年、彼女は最初の本The Lonely Dollを発表しました。幼い頃の人形Edithと2匹のテディベアで表現をした絵本は、白黒写真とシンプルな言葉で、彼女の代表作となりました。 The Lonely Doll Learns A Lesson ( Lonely Doll ) Contributor(s): Wright, Dare (Author) EAN: 9780615827841 Publisher: Dare Wright Media Binding: Paperback Pub Date: August 10, 2013 Physical Info: 0.33 cms H x 27.99 cms L x 21.59 cms W (0.17 kgs) 64 pages Publisher Marketing: Edith ("The Lonely Doll") brings a kitten back from the country, and her friend Little Bear feels very left out as Edith focuses all of her attention on her cuddly new playmate. It's only when Edith is confined to her bed with the measles, that she begins to realize how much she misses Little Bear's companionship. Little Bear sneaks in for a visit that turns into a disaster when he tries to cut Edith's tangled hair. When Little Bear gets the measles, too, Edith uses her savings to buy him a puppy. Much to Mr. Bear's delight, the two agree to share their pets and harmony is restored.
The Doll And The Kitten ( Lonely Doll )
デア・ライトさんの名作『ロンリー・ドール』シリーズの一冊です。 人形のイーディスと友だちのミスター・ベアとリトルベアが、ニューヨーク北部の農場で夏のひと時を過ごす物語です。 デア・ライトさん(1914-2001)は、ニューヨークを拠点とするファッションモデル兼写真家でした。 1957年、彼女は最初の本The Lonely Dollを発表しました。 幼い頃の人形Edithと2匹のテディベアで表現をした絵本は、白黒写真とシンプルな言葉で、彼女の代表作となりました。 日本では『ロンリードール』(小さなお人形の物語、ポプラ社)がたくさんの方に読まれています。人形のイーディスは、デア・ライトの分身なのでしょうか。 繊細な感受性を感じさせる写真と物語の絵本です。 The Doll And The Kitten ( Lonely Doll ) Contributor(s): Wright, Dare (Author) EAN: 9780615764368 Publisher: Dare Wright Media Binding: Paperback Pub Date: April 04, 2013 Physical Info: 0.33 cms H x 27.99 cms L x 21.59 cms W (0.17 kgs) 62 pages Publisher Marketing: Edith, the doll featured in Dare Wright's best-selling "The Lonely Doll" book series, together with her friends, Mr. Bear and Little Bear, spend a summer vacation on a farm in the mountains of upstate New York. They explore the nooks and crannies of a very large barn, and find the barnyard and hillsides an irresistible playground. It is not long before Edith falls in love with an adorable calf. Mr. Bear, however, will not give Edith permission to bring the calf back to their home in New York City. Edith then tries convincing him to let her keep a newborn colt or a baby lamb, but Mr. Bear will have nothing to do with the adoption of a large farm animal to keep them company in their apartment in New York City. When Edith discovers a tiny kitten living in the hayloft, she's certain that she has found the perfect pet, and waits for the right moment to ask Mr. Bear if she can keep it. But before that happens, the kitten gets stuck on the highest beam in the barn. Edith's plan to rescue the kitten by having Little Bear hoist her up in a basket goes awry when they both end up dangling over the straw. Mr. Bear comes to their rescue, lowering Little Bear gently, and making sure that Edith and the kitten get safely down in the basket. He agrees that Edith can keep her kitten, and the vacation ends happily.